Elizabeth The Second
By the Grace of God
of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland
and of Her Other Realms and Territories
Head of The Commonwealth
Defender of the Faith
On 6th February 2012, Her Most Noble Majesty The Queen achieved something which has only ever happened once before in all of British history: a Diamond Jubilee. The Queen is already the longest-lived and longest-married British Monarch of all time (and setting a new record every single day), and now the second longest reigning Monarch in British history. In just over three years' time, Her Britannic Majesty will surpass Queen Victoria to become the longest-reigning British Monarch.
June 2012 will see the Diamond Jubilee Central Weekend. I'll be there - on the front row - and this page will be the BeebMaster main reference point for all my Diamond Jubilee celebrations - so please check back regularly for updates!
Let's ensure that 2012 is a time to celebrate the ground-breaking reign of Our Glorious Sovereign Lady and remember the extraordinary times in which we are living.
God save The Queen!